paintjob by cafe77
paintjob by cafe77
paintjob by cafe77
paintjob by cafe77
paintjob by cafe77
paintjob by cafe77
original headphone jack and internal speaker remain fully functional, ergonomically designed pot w/ soft-touch control knob and switch, scratches on the screen you might see are on the protective plastic that´s still on the new screen cover
paintjob by Thretris
paintjob by Thretris
paintjob by Thretris
paintjob by Thretris
paintjob by Thretris
paintjob by Thretris
paintjob (Clear Game Boy painted inside out) by Thretris
paintjob by Thretris
original headphone jack and internal speaker remain fully functional, handling optimized position of the pot and the switch
paintjob by Thretris
paintjob by Pierre "Fuji" Busch